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LinkedIn “Chantel Narayan”, Thanks MTS

I'm booked for an audition for the biker part on Monday. Thanks MTS Jim

Good ol Canadian boy ...I have been skating and playing hockey for over forty years. As it stands now I still get out on the rink anywhere between 2 and 3 times a week . If time would allow, I would like to go more . Physical activity is important to me. On my days away from the rink I'm usually working out in our home gym. I have two wonder daughters and one granddaughter . The youngest girl keeps me busy with her athletic programs . The oldest girl is busy being a mom to my 2 and a half year granddaughter. Approx 7 years ago I was involved in a George Canyon music video then shortly after A MTV christmas commercial. Also for several years a group of friends and I got together and put up a decent size halloween haunted house. In its final year of production the local news paper ...the Milton Champion was by the house to do an article on the event .. The paper called it Creepfest on Costigan ..which was the street name we live on at the time. Thats it for now , I could go on for ever ..a lot has happened over 50 years ..I will save the chit chat for a later date. Thank you MTS Carl Ryder

Hello there first my name is Chris Nixonn,first off l have already been in over 61 big time movies and commerical and music video just please check out my profile for my movie parts and music parts anyhow l know that money is time that's why lm never late for any movie part lm in lm usually there about 30 minutes-1 hour before lm to be up on camera now so please pick me for any movie or music video you have coming up and l promise you a great and exciting experience thank you Chris Nixon ...and I forgot...thanks Model and Talent Services!

Moved toToronto from a rural city in Nova Scotia . Always been high energy.Has worked and continues to work hard for everything she has. Thank You Model and Talent Services!

Ribcage was a comedy idea that brought a bunch of talent guys together where many an hour was spent trying to nail just one word that could nail a scene. We entered a nationwide competition - Alas, we never won!...but anyway,Thanks MTS!

Brendan Doherty Writer, Producer, Actor Brendan hails from the UK and has lived in Canada since 2001. He has been involved in RIBCAGE since its inception along with co-creator Ron Erdely since 2010. Brendan shoots blanks and believes in a God-like entity called "Lydia." He also enjoys hanging out in East Danforth hovels feverishly indulging himself in voyeurism...and being with MTS:)

Jukai Buddhism selected me from this site to be in their worldwide video on their philosophy for Rebirth. The video has one questioning "When does the story begin and end, given that the video can be started and stopped anytime, at any point in the story?"..this was a great experience and fun!...thanks to MTS!

I was given the leading role in the movie Hippypocalypse which will be Premiered as part of the Toronto Independent Film Festival on Sept 17th at 6:00 at the Carleton Theatre, 20 Carleton St., Toronto. Tickets are $10 at the door...thanks MTS! Cheers Jim Garrow

I love hair and did a huge show called, HairLaPoolza. They had my hair 4-5 different colours and used chicken wire and made it stand up and all crazy crazy, they say I'm that kinda person who can be creative and do funky. We were the presentation models and I wore a velvet mini dress with a pair of Aldo swafpde boots that I also got the show a sponsorship of and paid 80$ for 160$ boots the store loved me. The show was awesome there was three of us and we walked the run way a couple times on a huge stage and was told to pose on certain side areas while a bunch of performers danced. It was a crazy show and after I got tons of compliments fro. Designers and stuff. I did another show at a club was super fun and went from long hair to short, we won..... I was asked to be in a magazine but my brother got sick... So mad but I love him..... Also modelled runway for Sandra Roberts and Pie at Wunderlust on A Valentine's show.... I got tons of pictures after it was so fun I still talk to her she moved :( I love performing and am noticed when I perform and am good at making others laugh... Tank you Model and Talent services

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